Wednesday, June 9, 2010

7 Steps for Removing Mold From Listings

Mold is a common home intruder that can quickly turn a desirable home into a risky purchase for potential buyers. So, what can sellers do about it? First, size up the problem, and then create a plan for safe and complete removal. If the mold is found in a small area, less than 10 square feet, removal can be a do-it-yourself project. Here's how:

1. Wear a face mask, goggles, and rubber gloves. Don't touch mold with bare skin.

2. Seal off the area to prevent the tiny spores from spreading to other parts of the house during the removal process. Open the windows and cover heat registers and ventilation ducts.

3. Wash the affected hard surface areas with a mild detergent solution, such as laundry detergent and warm water. As an added step, wipe the area with a solution of quater-cup bleach and one quart of water. (Warning: Do not mix ammonia and bleach; the fumes can be toxic.)

4.Dry the surface completely. Use fans and dehumidifiers or natural ventilation.

5. Apply a borate-based detergent solution. Don't rinse. This will help prevent the mold from growing again. (Look for "borate" listed on the ingredient labels of laundry or dishwasher detergent.

6. Don't take shortcuts. Never paint or caulk over moldy surfaces. The paint will peel and the mold will resurface.

7. Call a professional. Just when you think you finally won the battle against mold, you might see dormant spores reappear or even spread to clean areas of the house, particularly if proper removal procedures weren't take. You may need to call a mold remediation company to resovle the problem.

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