Sunday, December 28, 2008

Auto Industry Bailout

I did not believe in the bail out, because I have a small business and know the government would never come by my rescue if I had to close my doors. Car companies have made millions for years; they should have saved for a rainy day just like I was told to do. I hate to see people lose their jobs and see the cars I have grown up with go away. We can't keep printing money without having gold to back it up. The car companies can file their bankruptcy and continue to build their cars. If they develop new hybrids and other fuel-sippers and convert old SUV plants into factories turning out hot cars able to compete with those from Toyota and Honda. Then maybe they will be successful again. All America’s are going to have to learn to be leaner in the next few years. The UAW members need to realize in order to have jobs they need to come to grips that thirty-five dollars per hour, unbelievable work hours and great benefits are not a reality to make this happen and be successful. A job is better then no job.

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